Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Hey guys!I don't know what am I gonna writing here.It's just a blurry post.So,today was not a very good day.I was not in a very good mood.Maybe because my time is coming.You know what,right?Me just got back home from our PE.Yes,PHYSICAL EDUCATION class.I am a university student but I still have a PE class like school kids."-_-

Why I am having a mood swing?Why,huh?I also don't know why.Sometimes,I also cannot predict myself because the mood swing can come anytime.Yeah,I can be a very annoying or a cranky little bitch.And I kinda look like a little bit desperate for attention."-_-.I know it's all wrong.But,what to do?I want to change myself but seriously it's hard.Maybe there was something that trigger me or whatever.I know I always make it hard for other people.You are a bad girl,Mya!Sorry for those who feels annoyed at me.T_T

Okay guys,you can just ignore this post.Hahaha.It's me who is trying to cheer up a little bit.Haha.Don't worry,this post is not meant to anyone.Oh yess,this Friday we're gonna play Laser Tag and on Saturday we're gonna watch Secret Life Of Nora.Hehehehehe.Really can't wait for that weekend to come :)


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